
Friday, November 6, 2015


But not what you think ...

October 23rd, James had a cyst removed from his forehead. I went in thinking it was no big deal, right up until the dermatologist said, "You'll have the biopsy results in two weeks," - not the words you want to hear.

I kept this mostly under my hat, but Wednesday, the dermatologist called with the results - benign. Everything else I'm sharing had paled in comparison to having that behind us.


They're back. The disappointment is huge. We are not talking about a serious case - a few on his lower leg that resolved on their own. But, the implications are vast. I never did get to try to reduce his Allegra - that would have been this Saturday. No food challenges will be possible until he has no hives without Allegra. I'm grateful we will be returning to see Dr. Li in December.

Blood test

It's drawn, this Monday. I am hoping to be able to report some good progress, whether or not we are able to challenge. Hopefully, next Monday we will have results. I had a hard time deciding what to test for this round. James has some allergens tested that are possibly false positives and I questioned whether or not to include them. 

As it turned out, I had an (insurance) limit of 25 allergens. It sounds like (is) a lot, but included environmental. He has nine environmentals tested, peanut, wheat, soy, lentils (that's 13). Running a tree nut panel (minus Brazil nut because that would be one too many) fills up the 25 limit. I excluded melon and mango (OAS related) and pea and white bean. James's allergist feels the legumes are likely false positives. I included lentil as a representative of the class as it is the one he has had GI problems with the longest (his whole life).

Hopefully, early next week I will be able to come back with positive results!

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